No 12. Make sure that you mix with other curriculum areas

Are you in a school in which the Science department only talks to the Science department or the English department only talks to the English department? All too often in schools microcosms are cultivated which at times can be unhealthy. False reputations can be built up and negative labels are often applied. Teachers must work as part of the whole school to have a better chance of promotion and gain more experience in the world of education. I have worked in schools in which the science department rarely visits the main staffroom and if they do can feel like a fish out of water! Why should they go to the staffroom anyway as they have their own kettle, toaster and microwave in the science department – there really is no need to move. I think its really important to mix with other departments as working in a school looking through the lens of one curriculum area is too narrow. So think about your situation now for a minute. Do you mix or have you been enticed into the trappings of a comfortable pocket. Is it time to find a fresh place on the pillow? If you are a Scientist then why don’t you ask a teacher in the History department if you can observe them? Spread your wings tomorrow.



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